Discover how we enable you to deliver significantly higher value at much lower cost using fewer resources than any other approach

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Case Studies and Success Stories from a few of our clients.


Case Studies and Success Stories from a few of our clients.



Case Studies and Success Stories from a few of our clients.


EKM is committed to helping our customers optimise print resources and operations and lock the gains in through advanced service delivery automation software. As a result, EKM customers save money, improve efficiency and effectiveness, and minimise wasted staff time.

We provide objective analysis of the entire print operation using our unique EKM Insight tool and deliver knowledge-based reports on how you can streamline your print operations.


Here’s what some of our customers have to say about us…


EKM Insight provides unrivalled automation for high volume consumables ordering. It does this predicatively and intelligently not just device by device, but by location, ensuring that deliveries are combined and arrive just in time and in the most economic and environmentally friendly way possible. No significant intervention is required
by users, procurement departments or IT support. This drastically reduces transaction costs, the cost of administration and consumables inventory and allows you to deploy your staff where they are most needed.
Edward Ash Technical MPS Solutions Specialist at EBM


Your suggestions are paid attention to. Whereas some larger software companies, you can give them feedback, and you’re seemingly unimportant. The nice thing about EKM is that they understand the business challenges. They then take and interpret the challenges and translate that to the programmers that are involved.
- James Balisky, Director of Managed Print


I’ve had people asking about EKM and have highly recommended it just because the support is so excellent and every department in my company is continually finding more innovative ways to use the software.
- Jackie Lehman, Director of Software Solutions

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You’re making investments in getting meters, shipping toner, and sending technicians onsite to fix machines. If you’re an HP dealer, you’re also looking at Smart Device Services and figuring out how to leverage that and realizing that maybe if you change your data collection agent, you can actually become better at all three areas and get SDS.
- Tom Senecal, CEO of Lasers Resource

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Recent Customer Satisfaction Survey


EKM Global prides itself on offering the best support possible to all our customers. Our satisfaction results since January 2022 reflect this focus on supporting customers across the globe.

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Request a demo

In just a few minutes, we can show you how both Insight RMM and mpsGO® enable you to deliver a high value service at the lowest possible cost. We’ll also demonstrate how our online presales TCO Assessment utility supports you to creating an accurate and compelling savings report to secure commercial traction with your customers within the first meeting.

Request a demo >    Get in touch >