Discover how we enable you to deliver significantly higher value at much lower cost using fewer resources than any other approach

Welcome to
EKM Global

Helping businesses save time and
money on their technology resourcing.

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We’ve been around
since 2001.

So, we know a fair bit about managed technology and asset finance solutions and related services. Most businesses or enterprises have no concept of the astonishing time and money savings they could be making on managing their technology more optimally.

Here at EKM, we help them see the light and gently put them on the right track. Our flagship managed print service (MPS) RMM middleware, EKM Insight, has helped thousands of businesses around the world deliver higher value, whilst saving money with managed print service automation.

Watch the video >Discover more >

Are you a reseller or
service provider?

If you’re seeking to become an “Everything-as-a-Service” (XaaS) provider, you can also use our subscription enablement platform to enhance your business and set up new regular income streams selling office equipment, supplies and print management and life cycle management services. Our XaaS platform can process any blended basket of aggregated product, software, solutions, and related services to convert into a low-cost subscription within minutes. Having integrated wholesale rates with exceptional residual value based commercial terms we enable our customers to dramatically improve end user affordability and supplier profitability.

Watch this short video about the benefits of XaaS to you and your customers using our Click2Buy & Click2Subscribe platforms.

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Managed print services (MPS)– the benefits

The out-tasking of just about everything to do with in-office printers, copiers, scanners
and multifunctional devices, including their usage, supplies, and maintenance.

For businesses
and enterprises

For businesses
and enterprises

  • Significantly reduce & your total cost of ownership.
  • Deliver MPS as an IT Service.
  • Delegate complexity to experts in finding the right supplies at optimum costs.
  • Drive economies through; far more efficient utilisation of assets, maximising consumables yields, eliminating operational overhead, and by reducing paper and energy usage.
  • Improve control by lowering supplies inventory and proactively tracking assets.
  • Establish 100% transparency to support industry benchmarking, and corporate governance.

For service

For service

  • Deliver higher value at significantly lower cost using fewer resources than any other approach
  • Make MPS a natural extension to your existing business
  • Drive incremental sales at minimum cost and maximum margin with minimal inventory.
  • Improve customer retention.
  • Leverage highly automated supply chain management.
  • Easily integrate fully reconciled usage data with existing billing systems.
  • Enhance your established revenue stream.
  • Proactively manage scalable services for your customers.
  • Enable your customers to save as much as 50% of their related costs.
  • Significantly reduce admin costs and staff time.
  • Easily manage multiple customers on a consistent basis.

Request a demo

In just a few minutes, we can show you how both Insight RMM & mpsGO® enable you to deliver a high value service at the lowest possible cost. We’ll also demonstrate how our online presales TCO Assessment utility supports you to creating an accurate & compelling savings report to secure commercial traction with your customers within the first meeting.

Request a demo >Get in touch >